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As an OSU Health Plan member, you have access to a wide variety of health and wellness classes, recordings and events all year long. Take advantage of all that’s available to you! It can do wonders for your wellness.

View upcoming and archived classes and events below.

Employee Assistance Program
Healthy Habits: Getting Back to Better Series, Train Your Brain
Join the EAP for a 30-minute workshop centered on incorporating effective and intentional strategies to increase confidence and combat negative thoughts and beliefs. Plus learn a Healthy Habit you can utilize daily with Virgin Pulse!
August 24, 2021
Employee Assistance Program
Healthy Habits: Getting Back to Better Series, Feel the Feels
Join the EAP for a 30-minute workshop to get back to better by exploring your emotions. Learn coping skills to help manage and express your feelings in a healthier way. Plus learn a Healthy Habit you can incorporate into your day with Virgin Pulse!
August 17, 2021
Employee Assistance Program
Healthy Habits: Getting Back to Better Series, What do you Need?
Join the EAP for a 30-minute workshop to identify your needs in the transition back to non-quarantine work life and develop some approaches to help with the adjustment. Plus learn a Healthy Habit you can incorporate into your work day with Virgin Pulse!
August 10, 2021
Employee Assistance Program
Grace, Gratitude and Self-Care
Join the EAP for a 30-minute webinar where we will discover what you can do to increase your self-care with a focus on grace and gratitude and how it can enhance your work and personal lives.
July 7, 2021 • Helka Casey
Employee Assistance Program
The Health Benefits of Laughter
Discover the mental and physical health benefits of adding more laughter to your life. We will discuss how laughter can be the best medicine for stress, anxiety, pain management, and coping with chronic illness, as well as, practice some laughter therapy together. 
May 4, 2021 • Dr. Roseanne E. Scammahorn & Kellie A. Lemly