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As an OSU Health Plan member, you have access to a wide variety of health and wellness classes, recordings and events all year long. Take advantage of all that’s available to you! It can do wonders for your wellness.

View upcoming and archived classes and events below.

Employee Assistance Program
#MonthlyMotivation: Connect with your Purpose
We often find work that connects with a purpose, such as giving to others, but then we get busy (and tired) and lose that sense of our personal mission statement. Join this webinar to re-connect with your purpose in life…that may reside outside of your work life. Either way, this practice can help us to be resilient in life.
April 2, 2024 • Suzanne Vickers, LISW-S
Employee Assistance Program
#MonthlyMotivation: Just One Thing
When you think about beginning your workday do you ever get overwhelmed with what seems like an endless to do list, a splash of self-doubt, and you don’t know where to start? Let’s review and share some quick tactics to readjust and focus on just one goal and our days will be filled accomplishments and confidence!
March 4, 2024 • Helka Casey, LPCC-S
Employee Assistance Program
#MonthlyMotivation: Beyond Fear
Is fear your greatest motivator? It’s a very powerful and important emotion for all of us. However, it can only take us so far in our journey. Together, let’s take stock of how fear has helped or hurt your motivation and consider other effective alternatives.
February 8, 2024 • Tyler McGuire, LISW
Employee Assistance Program
#MonthlyMotivation: Wake Up and Notice What is Going Well!
Let’s face it, getting out of bed in the morning can be hard! Our minds generally start to scan for what might go wrong or isn’t going well. What if you paused before getting up and notice what is going well and what could go right?
January 25, 2024 • Suzanne Vickers, LISW-S
Employee Assistance Program
Redefining Professionalism Multigenerational Workspaces
Change in the way we work and present as professionals in our lives is an ever-evolving staple. Join this webinar to explore new perspectives in the world of work and collect some useful strategies on how to navigate everyone’s collective experience.
November 7, 2023 • Jodie Leister, LPCC-S, CEAP