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As an OSU Health Plan member, you have access to a wide variety of health and wellness classes, recordings and events all year long. Take advantage of all that’s available to you! It can do wonders for your wellness.

Visit Link to Health to view and register for upcoming classes and events, or browse archived programs below.

Parenting & Family
Fostering Your Childs Self-Efficacy
We humans, throughout our lives, continually face new experiences, challenges, problems, and barriers. We will not always be successful in learning, meeting, solving, or overcoming every situation, but we can learn to face situations with a determination to do our best. During this session, we'll dialogue about self-esteem and self -efficacy, and some parenting strategies to help children develop an, "I think I can" attitude.
August 23, 2022 • Joseph Maiorano, Ph.D.
Parenting & Family
Planning to Get Pregnant: Things to Consider
It’s never too early to start planning for pregnancy. Whether this is your first baby or third baby, there are important steps to help you get ready for a healthy pregnancy. Join Dietitian and Buckeye Baby Coach Jessica as she talks about preconception health recommendations you can do before and between pregnancies.
July 11, 2022 • Jessica Hernandez, OSU Health Plan Health Coach
Parenting & Family
Water First for Thirst for Kids
There are many benefits to drinking water and it is just as important for kids to meet their daily fluid needs as it is adults. Join this webinar to learn from Carol Smathers, MS, MPH the benefits of drinking water, ways to encourage kids to drink more water, reasons and ways to avoid sugary drinks, and how sugar sweetened beverage marketing targets kids and teens.
July 6, 2022 • Carol Smathers, MS, MPH
Parenting & Family
Today’s Techno Parenting
Today’s tech-saturated world introduces challenges as well as opportunities to parenting young children. Mothers and fathers worry about the effects of tech on their children and how to protect their children all the while trying to use tech for learning, creating, leisure, and so much more. In this webinar, we will be discussing the pros and cons of tech and how to teach our children to be smart and safe online.
June 28, 2022 • James S. Bates, Ph.D.
Parenting & Family
Helping Kids Cope with Stress
Kids naturally experience stress. Yet, coping with stress is a learned behavior. Based on his research, John Gottman, psychologist and author, refers to parents as emotion coaches, whose job is to help their children better understand and regulate their emotions. Because good coaches know and practice what they teach, attendees and I will talk about improving our own coping strategies, so we can better teach those strategies to our kids.
March 29, 2022 • Joseph Maiorano, Ph.D.
Parenting & Family
Body Image and Pregnancy
Join OSU Health Coaches Jessica Hernandez and Amanda Fox for a conversation about body image and pregnancy. Learn more about what body changes to expect before, during and after pregnancy, and discuss how you can love and care for your body from a body positive perspective.
February 23, 2022 • OSU Health Plan Health Coaches Jessica Hernandez and Amanda Fox
Parenting & Family
DRA During Pregnancy and Postpartum
As your baby grows, so does your belly. Diastasis Recti (DRA), or separation of abdominal muscles, is a common side effect of pregnancy. Learn how to check for it and ways to manage it both during pregnancy and after delivery.
November 16, 2021 • Kimberly Uscilowski, PT, DPT, OCS
Parenting & Family
Physical Therapy and Pregnancy Postpartum
Your body just went through 9 months of complete change… now what?!?!  Join women’s health Physical Therapist Kristin Scott to learn what you can do after the pregnancy to get your body back!  Learn what is normal and what is not normal, and how to progress safely to get your body back.
October 19, 2021 • Kristin Scott
Parenting & Family
Physical Therapy and Exercise Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a special time in a women’s life. Join women’s health Physical Therapist Kristin Scott to learn how you can make the nine months of pregnancy not only comfortable but enjoyable. Learn about dos and don’ts on exercise during pregnancy, and what you can do now to assist you on your journey.
September 21, 2021 • Kristin Scott
Parenting & Family
Easing Into Fitness After Delivery
Your body is different after delivery as it is recovering from birth. Exercise after pregnancy can be very beneficial for your recovery. Many parents are very eager after delivery to get moving, but your routine will look very different. Join buckeye baby coaches Bonnie and Jessica as they talk about how to safely return to your pre baby exercise habits.
August 24, 2021 • Health Coaches Bonnie Wilhelm and Jessica Hernandez