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As an OSU Health Plan member, you have access to a wide variety of health and wellness classes, recordings and events all year long. Take advantage of all that’s available to you! It can do wonders for your wellness.

Visit Link to Health to view and register for upcoming classes and events, or browse archived programs below.

General Health and Wellness
What’s New in Nutrition
Join Extension Educator and Registered Dietitian Jenny Lobb to learn key recommendations from the updated 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and how you can use them to build healthy dietary habits.
July 20, 2021 • Jenny Lobb, MPH, RD, LD
Parenting & Family
Aquatic Therapy During Pregnancy
Aquatic therapy can be a great tool to help improve body aches, cardiovascular health, and strength during pregnancy. Come learn about the benefits of aquatic therapy and get some ideas on how to start a program.
July 13, 2021 • Abigail Andres, PT, DPT, OCS
Employee Assistance Program
Grace, Gratitude and Self-Care
Join the EAP for a 30-minute webinar where we will discover what you can do to increase your self-care with a focus on grace and gratitude and how it can enhance your work and personal lives.
July 7, 2021 • Helka Casey
General Health and Wellness
Now that we are in summer weather, it is even more important to stay hydrated. Did you know that headaches, muscle fatigue, or decreased energy could all be signs of dehydration? Do you really need 8 glasses of water per day? Join OSU Health Coach Bonnie to review hydration recommendations, benefits of staying hydrated, and additional tips to increase water intake.
July 6, 2021 • Health Coach Bonnie Wilhelm
Healthy Eating
Healthy Summer Cooking
If you love summer food and are looking to learn more about incorporating more nutrition while cooking, then this webinar is for you! Join us for a webinar on healthy summer cooking and you will be making delicious and nutritious meals at home in no time.
June 16, 2021 • Emily Rice, RDN, LD
Weight Management
Weight Management Programs and Strategies
Ready to lose weight but not sure how best to reach your goals? Join us as registered dietitian Liz Weinandy presents and reviews the different weight management options YP4H has available to you and all OSU insurance holders. For immediate resources, tips, printable handouts and archived videos please visit the OSU Health Plan’s Weight Management Tools page at
May 18, 2021 • Liz Weinandy, MPH, RDN, LD
Active Living
Spring into Physical Activity
Did you know that the month of May is the National Physical Fitness and Sports Awareness month? Along with the warmer temperatures, this is a great time to recommit to your physical activity goals. Do you feel like you have been consistent with your exercise routine, but will be heading back to the office and not sure how to adjust to what may be your new work schedule? Join Health Coach Bonnie to explore ways to stay active in the spring and summer months and to establish your return to work physical activity routine.
May 14, 2021 • Health Coach Bonnie
General Health and Wellness
Herb Gardening
Have you ever wanted to grow your own herbs, but did not know where to start? Join this webinar to learn how to start, grow and maintain you own herb garden. You will learn how to best care for your herbs, how to best wash and store them and maybe even a few creative recipe ideas!
May 11, 2021 • Timothy McDermott DVM
Employee Assistance Program
The Health Benefits of Laughter
Discover the mental and physical health benefits of adding more laughter to your life. We will discuss how laughter can be the best medicine for stress, anxiety, pain management, and coping with chronic illness, as well as, practice some laughter therapy together. 
May 4, 2021 • Dr. Roseanne E. Scammahorn & Kellie A. Lemly
Parenting & Family
PT & Back Pain Pregnancy
This webinar will review different types of back pain that may be experienced during pregnancy, strategies for self-management, and guidelines for when and how to seek care for these issues. Briefly, this class will also touch on how to manage back pain during labor and delivery, and strategies for management in the postpartum period.
April 20, 2021 • Claire Such, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC