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As an OSU Health Plan member, you have access to a wide variety of health and wellness classes, recordings and events all year long. Take advantage of all that’s available to you! It can do wonders for your wellness.

View upcoming and archived classes and events below.

Employee Assistance Program
Set and Met
Hope for the best plan for the worst they say. Join us for a webinar focused on how to set achievable goals by accurately identifying stuck points and strategies to work through them.
April 5, 2022 • Jodie Leister, LPCC-S, CEAP
Parenting & Family
Helping Kids Cope with Stress
Kids naturally experience stress. Yet, coping with stress is a learned behavior. Based on his research, John Gottman, psychologist and author, refers to parents as emotion coaches, whose job is to help their children better understand and regulate their emotions. Because good coaches know and practice what they teach, attendees and I will talk about improving our own coping strategies, so we can better teach those strategies to our kids.
March 29, 2022 • Joseph Maiorano, Ph.D.
General Health and Wellness
Seed Starting
Starting your own seeds is a great tool in your gardening toolbox. Come learn the tips and tricks on how to start your own seeds on this years vegetable garden.
March 22, 2022 • Timothy McDermott, DVM
Employee Assistance Program
Couples Counseling 101
Ever wanted to know more about couples counseling?  During this webinar we will review frequently asked questions about couples counseling and how to narrow your search for a couple’s therapist.  We’ll also learn about some couple’s resources and tips!
March 15, 2022 • Helka Casey, LPCC-S
Emotional Wellbeing
Incorporating Whil (now Rethink Care) into Your Wellness Activities
The Whil programs have been expanded for 2022! Join Health Coach Amanda Fox to learn more about this complimentary resource from YP4H. Participants will review the Whil programs through Virgin Pulse, and discuss ways the Whil sessions can help you practice resilience building skills for better stress management.
February 28, 2022 • Amanda Fox, OSU Health Plan Health Coach